Friday, January 30, 2009

F=ma isn't it

"happiness is a mediocre state for a middle class existence"--saul williams

I'm not in the mood for mediocre. I want something amazing to fill me and move me. lately i've been discussing "inspiration" with a few friends. As i have mentioned in a previous blog, i just haven't been feeling "it" lately...the "it" that causes your pen to speak forth words from the depths of the universe...the "it" that guides your colors to brush to canvas. that "it" is alluding me at the moment. and you can't force the "it".
[tag me it.]

and me, i'm like Einstein's chalk board, i'm drawn to geniuses.

here's a few things that widened the scope of possibilities.

theo jansen...genius.


[now find the genius in you and enjoy your weekend]


achoiceofweapons said...

Hey Asia,
How are you?
Did you check the post I did for the Asian New Year at Gotama Temple Long Beach?

Be good!

oNe mAn gAng said...

this MFer Blu is amazing...