Friday, February 27, 2009

when did...

...typing things out become passe?



Spend the extra half second. Type it out.
Realize what you are saying becomes that much more insignificant with the implementation of those acronyms.
Know the difference between an acronym and an abbreviation.

rant done.


Ms_Slim said...

haha; Im definitely guilty of the acronym usage. I even make up my own when I really don't feel like typing things out. Ah well lol. However, It's not as bad as folk saying "dis" and "dat" for "this" and "that" though and etc. That is sooo annoying lol

What's worse though are those that SPEAK in acronyms. Like, "omg! icbt! wtf?! smh!"

("Oh my God! I can't believe this! What the fluck?! Shaking my head!")


The Incomparable Bozack Jenkins™ said...

I approve of this rant.

asia kismet said...

If you use any of those things in "real talk" [as in a spoken conversation with a person] you really should take a vow of silence.

ICBT? that's a new one for me...
and yes@the whole dis and dat.

Be One said...

WORD! I thought i was alone in my refusal to use that bullshit! hahaaa... thank you for that.

Luvvie said...

Our children are gonna be unable to speak anything but webspeak. *SMH*

D.Or said...

lol! lmao! that is so true. BTW 143!

DeAnne said...

I had to think about the last one and it truly made me laugh out loud, something that makes my daughters look and me wondering what is so funny . .

achoiceofweapons said...

What's SMH?
Thank you for this rant. I'm older than the average texter and well I don't know what the hell they mean.

asia kismet said...


i was at a lost too when i first saw SMH
i thought "hmmm...slap my hand?"
shaking my head was no where near what i thought it could mean.

8thlight said...

I blame IM! lol I IM all of the time, but the only abbreviations that I use are lol or lmao. Everything else gets typed out.

DeAnne said...

my daughter says (verbally says) BRB when she is going to be right back.

she's 9, maybe it's a generational thing???